Sunday, August 13, 2006

Acquitted by history
I have not forgotten when the 23 of January of 1959 the "Operation was celebrated in Havana Truth" in the occasion of the international campaign against the executions; then hundreds of representatives of mass media occurred to appointment in the capital and, in that occasion, a Mexican journalist commented to me:"I remained pasmado with the way to speak of Fidel I castrate. With him, an honest man made his appearance."To Fidel nobody him inculcó its political ideas; it arrived at them like result from his meditations, reflections, observation of the reality, and the analysis of which other many did and thought.During years I have looked for the valuations emitted on Fidel by outstanding international and national personalities of the policy, the art, the education, the medicine, the sport and others.Many of these considerations I have gathered them of diverse interviews that I have made throughout the revolutionary process. Others I have discovered them in memories, speeches and in different journalistic works. With them, more than 400, I have prepared a special edition of a book that will come next to the public light. Several of those opinions appear now in this Special Supplement of Granma.Fidel is one of the figures of this time. Its name is repeated with admiration in all the continents and all the languages.Wanted by its town and respected by its enemies. It is a flag and a symbol of the humanity.The legendary soldier of the Masterful Mountain range has seeded itself in the heart of the humble ones. He has been inserted in history. He is in favor already acquitted of history.


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