Raul Castro Received Syria Minister of Information
Raul Castro, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, received on Sunday August 27 a delegation from Syria headed by the Minister of Information, Mohsen Bilal.
The Syrian minister traveled to Cuba as a personal emissary of President Bachar Al Assad. He carried a message to Raul Castro wishing Cuban President Fidel Castro a speedy recovery and reaffirmed his country’s solidarity with the people, Communist Party and government of Cuba at a time when the island faces stepped up threats and aggressions from the Bush administration.
During the meeting, Bilal confirmed that President Al Assad will participate at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit set for Sept. 11-16 in Havana and gave the Syrian government’s total support for Cuba as the next president of 116-member NAM.
The minister informed the Cubans on the situation in the Middle East and his country after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the increased repression and massacres against the Palestinian people and the increased threats against Syria.
Raul Castro expressed appreciation for the message from President Bachar Al Assad and reiterated Cuba’s support to the Syrian people in the face of aggressions and hostilities from Tel Aviv. He also confirmed the island’s support of Syria’s efforts to recovery the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the 1967 invasion.
Raul Castro told the visitor that President Fidel Castro was gradually and satisfactorily recovering from his surgery. He noted the total peace reigning in the country and the effort being made by the Communist Party, government and the people in general to carry out the tasks entrusted in them by Fidel in his Proclamation of July 31, including the decision to substantially raise the country’s combat capability and readiness.
The Defense Minister said that Cuba is ready for the Non-Aligned Summit and highlighted the numerous displays of support received from around the world.
Accompanying Raul Castro in his meeting with the Syrian minister were Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and Fernando Remirez de Estenoz, member of the Communist Party Secretariat.
Raul Castro, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, received on Sunday August 27 a delegation from Syria headed by the Minister of Information, Mohsen Bilal.
The Syrian minister traveled to Cuba as a personal emissary of President Bachar Al Assad. He carried a message to Raul Castro wishing Cuban President Fidel Castro a speedy recovery and reaffirmed his country’s solidarity with the people, Communist Party and government of Cuba at a time when the island faces stepped up threats and aggressions from the Bush administration.
During the meeting, Bilal confirmed that President Al Assad will participate at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit set for Sept. 11-16 in Havana and gave the Syrian government’s total support for Cuba as the next president of 116-member NAM.
The minister informed the Cubans on the situation in the Middle East and his country after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the increased repression and massacres against the Palestinian people and the increased threats against Syria.
Raul Castro expressed appreciation for the message from President Bachar Al Assad and reiterated Cuba’s support to the Syrian people in the face of aggressions and hostilities from Tel Aviv. He also confirmed the island’s support of Syria’s efforts to recovery the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the 1967 invasion.
Raul Castro told the visitor that President Fidel Castro was gradually and satisfactorily recovering from his surgery. He noted the total peace reigning in the country and the effort being made by the Communist Party, government and the people in general to carry out the tasks entrusted in them by Fidel in his Proclamation of July 31, including the decision to substantially raise the country’s combat capability and readiness.
The Defense Minister said that Cuba is ready for the Non-Aligned Summit and highlighted the numerous displays of support received from around the world.
Accompanying Raul Castro in his meeting with the Syrian minister were Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and Fernando Remirez de Estenoz, member of the Communist Party Secretariat.
At 9:48 PM,
Al said…
How about publishing the deterioration of life in Cuba? Here's one piece of a school in Jaguey Grande and what the students found when they arrived with their family:
Indignados padres y alumnos por condiciones de centro escolar
MATANZAS, Cuba, 12 de septiembre (Oscar Sánchez Madan / www.cubanet.org) - El desastroso inicio del curso escolar en el instituto pre-universitario Franklin Gómez, del municipio de Jagüey Grande, provocó la indignación de estudiantes y familiares.
El pasado 2 de septiembre, en horas de la noche, cuando alrededor de 300 estudiantes llegaron a dicho internado acompañados de sus parientes, encontraron el instituto deteriorado, sucio y sin condiciones para el alojamiento.
En varios dormitorios faltaban camas, muchas de las que habían carecían de colchones, por lo que hubo alumnos que se vieron obligados a dormir en el suelo. También numerosas ventanas estaban rotas, lo que obligó a los familiares a intentar repararlas.
Los escolares protestaron ante la dirección del centro y descalificaron a las autoridades del Ministerio de Educación, las cuales habían informado a los medios oficiales de prensa días atrás que estaban creadas las condiciones para iniciar el nuevo curso escolar en todo el país.
Asimismo, diversos padres pudieron observar esa noche a varios alumnos fumando cigarrillos y bebiendo ron, junto a algunos profesores, por lo cual se proponen solicitar con urgencia el traslado de sus hijos a otra institución escolar. Una fuente del Ministerio de Educación señaló que ya se tomaron medidas para resolver dicha problemática.
El régimen ha destinado en los últimos años cuantiosos recursos materiales y humanos para los centros de enseñanza que albergan a jóvenes extranjeros en detrimento de las escuelas donde estudian jóvenes del patio.
It seems that those who come to study in Cuba have it better than those who live there. Is this discrimination or what? It's time to get rid of that asshole named Castro, a man who has brought ruin to an island and caused two million to opt for leaving rather than live under oppression.
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